Lessons with Laughter: Photocopiable Lessons for Different Levels артикул 7415c.
Lessons with Laughter: Photocopiable Lessons for Different Levels артикул 7415c.

This is a photocopiable resource book for teachers It is a bank of 92 lessons at three levels, which can be used with a minimum of preparation The book includes material for elementary, intermediate and advanced learners and there are four sections: jokes, cartoons, misprints and funny stories Although lighthearted, the book is constructed around оенте sound linguistic and pedagogical criteria, based upon the idea that humour makes learning more enjoyable and more memorable Автор George Woolard.  В настоящемИздательство: Heinle, 1996 г Мягкая обложка, на спирали, 102 стр ISBN 978-1-899396-35-1 Язык: Английский Формат: 220x300.